Two Way Comparisons

The plugin can compare all attributes and props of nested instances across every combination of two properties of an instance or component. For example, if a button has properties for state (such as default, hover, and focus) and variant (such as filled, outline and text), the plugin will compare all layers across all combinations of both properties.

The Two way feature is only available via the Pro subscription to the EightShapes Specs plugin.

Why use this feature

Imagine a Button component with three properties:

Imagine a Button component with three properties:

Imagine a Button component with three properties:

  1. variant (filled, outline and text)

  2. state (default, hover and active)

  3. size (small, medium, and large)

  1. variant (filled, outline and text)

  2. state (default, hover and active)

  3. size (small, medium, and large)

  1. variant (filled, outline and text)

  2. state (default, hover and active)

  3. size (small, medium, and large)

By default, the Properties section will start with the configuration of the selected item and compare variants in each direction. For example, if the selected item has a configuration of variant:default, state:default and size:medium, then the plugin creates a subsection per property:

  • For variant, a comparison of filled, outline and text where state:default and size:medium

  • For state, a comparison of default, hover and active where variant:default and size:medium

  • For size, a comparison of small, medium, and large where variant:default and state:default

  • For variant, a comparison of filled, outline and text where state:default and size:medium

  • For state, a comparison of default, hover and active where variant:default and size:medium

  • For size, a comparison of small, medium, and large where variant:default and state:default

  • For variant, a comparison of filled, outline and text where state:default and size:medium

  • For state, a comparison of default, hover and active where variant:default and size:medium

  • For size, a comparison of small, medium, and large where variant:default and state:default

However, this does not cover many possible combinations, such as comparing states when variant is outline, sizes when state is hover, and variant when size is large.

What is included

What is included

What is included

When an two way comparison is generated, the plugin will display artwork for every combination of two properties hierarchichally.

How it works

How it works

How it works

When the two-way setting is enabled and one component or instance with two or more variant properties is selected, the plugin will enable the user to select properties (property level 1 and property level 2) in separate menus.

Based on the pair of configured properties, the plugin will:

  • Display the two-way comparison as the first section of Properties

  • Create a subsection for every option (filled, outline and text) of the first property (such as variant)

  • Create an exhibit (artwork and specs content) for every option (default, hover and active) of the second property within each subsection, corresponding to the option of the first property

  • Compare layers across all options (columns) within a row

  • Compare layers of the same option (column) across each row

  • Display the two-way comparison as the first section of Properties

  • Create a subsection for every option (filled, outline and text) of the first property (such as variant)

  • Create an exhibit (artwork and specs content) for every option (default, hover and active) of the second property within each subsection, corresponding to the option of the first property

  • Compare layers across all options (columns) within a row

  • Compare layers of the same option (column) across each row

  • Display the two-way comparison as the first section of Properties

  • Create a subsection for every option (filled, outline and text) of the first property (such as variant)

  • Create an exhibit (artwork and specs content) for every option (default, hover and active) of the second property within each subsection, corresponding to the option of the first property

  • Compare layers across all options (columns) within a row

  • Compare layers of the same option (column) across each row

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.