Tokens Studio formats

The EightShapes Specs plugin Pro upgrade formats attributes as tokens managed by the Tokens Studio for Figma plugin available in the Figma Community.

What it includes

Hardcoded values are replaced with detected Tokens Studio tokens in all three sections: Anatomy, Properties, and Layout and Spacing.

Tokens Studio tokens, when detected, are favored over both hardcoded attribute values as well as applied Figma styles for color, text and effects. When both a Figma style and Token Studio token are encountered, the Tokens Studio token is displayed.

How it works

To display Tokens Studio tokens:

  1. Open the EightShapes Specs plugin.

  2. Click on the Upgrade button.

  3. Checkout to subscribe to EightShapes Specs plugin Pro.

  4. Select one or more items to which Tokens Studio tokens have been applied.

  5. Click on the Create Specs button.

  6. View results

Supported attributes

Relative to Tokens Studio's available properties, the EightShapes Specs plugin currently supports the following attributes:

  • Background blur

  • Border color

  • Border radius

  • Border radius bottom left

  • Border radius bottom right

  • Border radius top left

  • Border radius top right

  • Border width

  • Border width bottom

  • Border width left

  • Border width right

  • Border width top

  • Box shadow

  • Dimension, as applied to:
    Spacing > Gap, All, Left, Right, Bottom, Top
    Sizing > Height, Width
    Border Radius > All, Top, Bottom, Right, Left
    Border Weight > All, Top, Bottom, Right, Left
    Background blur

  • Fill

  • Font family

  • Font size

  • Height

  • Horizontal resizing

  • Item spacing (in Token Studio, Gap)

  • Line height

  • Layer blur

  • Layout alignment

  • Layout direction

  • Letter spacing

  • Opacity

  • Padding top

  • Padding bottom

  • Padding left

  • Padding right

  • Paragraph indent

  • Paragraph spacing

  • Sizing, as applied to:

    • Sizing > Height, Width

  • Spacing

  • Text align horizontal

  • Text case

  • Text decoration

  • Typography

  • Vertical resizing

  • Width

Attributes not supported

The following attributes to which Token Studio tokens can be applied are not detected by the EightShapes Plugin.

  • Alpha (the a of rgba values)

  • Asset

  • Border as a composite of borderColor, borderWidth and borderStyle

  • Composition is not supported, due to:

    • Composition can be applied to a layer simultaneously with other Tokens Studio values (like Fill color), and Tokens Studio API returns both tokens as validly applied. To deconflict and determine which token "wins" would be complicated and computationally expensive.

    • Composition (which can combine attributes like Fill, Border width left, Corner radius and Padding top) would require decomposition into distinct attributes to jointly and individually be compared across all layers, options, props and anatomy elements compared by the specs plugin. Implementation complicatedness and computational cost (1,000s of potential per run) carry significant risk to EightShapes Specs plugin performance and stability compared to benefit and relative priority of other potential plugin features at this time.

    • Simply showing Composition when present is under consideration, but would run counter to expectations of how attributes are shown based on layer differences across variants. Since it's impossible (for now) to deconflict a Composition with other attributes, it could result in misleading displays.

    • Custom Composition is neither supported by existing native Figma capabilities nor indicated on Figma's near-term roadmap.

  • Description

  • Dimension, as applied to:

    • Sizing > All, which sets both height and width simultaneously such that neither is detected.

    • Border width, when all sides (Top, Bottom, Left and Right) are individually set and resolve to the same value, such as 8px. In this case, Figma does not return a Mixed value even though there are separate tokens applied by Tokens Studio.

    • Border radius, when all corners (Top left, Bottom left, Top right and Bottom right) are individually set and resolve to the same value, such as 8px. In this case, Figma does not return a Mixed value even though there are separate tokens applied by Tokens Studio.

  • Font weight

  • Sizing, as applied as:

    • Sizing > All, which sets both height and width simultaneously such that neither is detected.

  • Visibility


Comparing Anatomy and Layout attributes of basic outputs (on the left) versus Token Studio tokens (on the right)

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.