Tabular Anatomy

The plugin offers two formats for the Anatomy section: List beside artwork and Table below artwork.

This choice is only available via the Pro subscription to the EightShapes Specs plugin.

What is included

When an anatomy is generated, elements and their associated attributes are arranged in a vertical format by default. Alternatively, anatomy content may be displayed in tabular format, resulting in up to two tables for nested components and other detected elements.

How it works

Refer to the anatomy for a description of how the anatomy is generated.

For the alternative tabular format displayed below the annotated artwork, the plugin will:

  • Construct a "Nested components" table each nested component detected, with columns for component name (based on the nested layer name), dependency name, configured properties, and – when detected – associated linkes to dev resources

  • Construct an "Elements with attributes" table, with columns for element name (based on layer name) and associated relevant attributes

  • For instances, include the top layer in the "Other elements" table when that layer has relevant attributes

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.