
The plugin can produce a Modes section that includes specs and artwork of items with layer-bound variables that (a) have multiple modes with (b) values that differ by mode.

The Modes formatting feature is only available via the Pro subscription to the EightShapes Specs plugin.

What is included

A Modes section is added to the item's spec if one or more variables with values that vary over two or more modes. A section is added for each matched variable collection, with an exhibit of artwork and attribute specs for each mode's varying attributes.

How it works

If a user selects to include a Modes section, the plugin will: – traverse all the item's layers to find variables bound to each layer:

  • evaluate the variables to determine if it's relevant (it vary across two or more modes)

  • create a Modes specs subsection for each variable collection with a relevant variable

In each subsection corresponding to a variable collection, the plugin will:

  • show the item with that mode applied

  • compare the item's relevant variables across modes

  • include attribute-by-attribute specs of how variable values change


Here, the Color variable collection varies colors across two modes: light and dark. With those variables applied to text and alert colors, the Alert component will result in a two moded display showing both light and dark modes and the values corresponding to each relevant variable.

Note that Icon and Button specs are not included; instead, also create specs for each nested component separately.


Will the Modes section include subsections when a variable from a variable collection with one mode are detected?

No. The Modes section will only include a subsection for a variable collection when that collection has two or more modes.

Will the Modes section add spec'ed attributes for variables that don't vary across modes?

No. Instead, such variables would be depicted in the Anatomy section or – should such a variable be changed across Property-based alternatives – in the Props section.

Will the Modes section overlay spacing annotations for attributes like padding and item spacing, like the Layout and Spacing section does?

No, not at this time. Such overlays are placed layer-by-layer in the Layout and Spacing section. In the Modes section, artwork is presented for the overall item, such that layout and spacing annotations would be for all layers combined, muddling the display. Further work may follow to consider overlaying such annotation in a visually clear way.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.