Styling inventory

The plugin can produce an inventory of styles, variables and tokens studios tokens detected while inspecting items and their variants.

The Styling inventory feature is available in beta for all subscribers, and variables and tokens studio tokens are only detected for upgraded subscribers.

What it includes

The Styling section includes sections of detected variables, tokens studio tokens, text styles and color styles, with columns for:

  • Name

  • Applied as, displaying the attribute to which the style was applied

  • Applied to, displaying one or more layers to which the system was applied in a comma separated list. If the style was detected more than once, the detection quantity is displayed in parentheses.

How it works

As the plugin detects and displays variables, tokens studio tokens and styles throughout the specs, the values are logged and then displayed in inventory format afterwards in a separate section.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.

The plugin was created by Nathan Curtis with help from Kevin Powell. The plugin's origin is described in the Medium articles The EightShapes Specs Figma Plugin and Component Specifications.

The plugin code is maintained in a separate, private repository. Please contact @nathanacurtis for details.